Gnocchi was something I really missed when I was diagnosed with coeliac disease about 5 years ago. Sure, there are some gluten free ones on the market – but I’ve found many of them are quite floury, dense or really sticky and tasteless. So I thought I’d attempt to make my own!

> I have used dutch cream potatoes in this recipe to give it a bit more of a creamy texture, rather than floury. According to my Nonna, to achieve the best results, leave your potatoes in a dark cupboard for a few weeks, rather than using them as soon as you buy them.
> You can substitute for buckwheat flour if you would prefer – it will be a bit more grainy.
> Steaming your potatoes, rather than boiling, will mean that a lot less water will get into the potato, resulting in the gnocchi being less sticky, and more fluffy.
> If you want the green colour for your gnocchi, blend your spinach so you also have some liquid to add to the mixture.
> Don’t over knead the mixture, or they will become heavy. Stop kneading as soon as the dough comes together and is no longer crumbly.

Serves: 3
3 large dutch cream potatoes
1 cup brown rice flour
3/4 spinach, finely chopped or blended
2 drops Basil Essential Oil

1. Leaving the skin on your whole potatoes, steam for about 15 minutes, until they are tender to touch.
2. Leave to cool completely and then peel the skin off.
3. With either a potato ricer or potato masher, mash your potatoes in a large bowl.
4. Next, add your blended spinach and basil essential oil.
5. Now add your flour, 1/4 cup at a time and mix thoroughly with a spoon, and then knead the dough by hand for 5 minutes.
6. Roll your dough into a long, thin sausage-like shape (being approximately 3cm thick)
7. Slice dough, approximately 2cm thick.
8. Very lightly, roll or mould your dough to form an oval shape (a traditional gnocchi shape)
9. Once all of your gnocchi is formed, add to a pot of boiling water
10. Once the gnocchi rises to the surface of the water, cook for 1-2 minutes and then remove with a slotted spoon. Only rinse the excess starch off with hot water, not cold water – otherwise it will become sticky.

Serve straight away, with your favourite sauce. The possibilities are endless! Tomato sauce, veg-filled tomato sauce, creamy avocado sauce, basil and garlic pesto…


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