I love sweet potatoes. Their aroma, their taste, their inexpensiveness and their versatility.

Why not try having them sweet for breakfast or as a tasty dessert snack? I have been known to eat a whole bowl by itself, but you could also add it to your porridge in the winter

2 large sweet potatoes, washed
1 tbls olive oil
Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste (I like a tablespoon of each, half a tablespoon at a time)

Chop your sweet potatoes into cubes, about 2-3 cm (I personally leave the skins on when roasting). Spread on a baking paper lined tray and season with your spices (I like to season with 1/2 tablespoon nutmeg and cinnamon, then when the potatoes are almost cooked, I lightly toss them around to ensure they are all soft and fluffy and then spoon the remainder of the nutmeg and cinnamon). Then drizzle with oil and bake for 30-40minutes, until soft and golden. 


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